
Major Updates in Cardio-HART: Enhancing Precision and User Experience

Major Updates in Cardio-HART: Enhancing Precision and User Experience

The latest updates to Cardio-HART, in particular the CE Certified CHART Processing Algorithm (CPA) bring several improvements designed to enhance diagnostic accuracy, user experience, and report clarity. Here's a look at the most important changes:   1. Enhanced Rhythm Reporting One of the most notable improvements is in the rhythm reporting for ECG interpretations. Its rhythms algorithms have...
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Cardio-HART and QTc

Cardio-HART and QTc

CHART and QTc Introduction The Cardio-HART (CHART) system assesses the QT interval as part of a comprehensive 12-lead ECG interpretation. CHART is specifically designed to provide a detailed evaluation of QT interval severity. This includes distinguishing between borderline cases and cases with prolonged or shortened QTc, with additional support provided through multiple QTc measurements. The CHART report displays...
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Marc Bisnaire on The Tech Business Podcast with Paul Essery

Marc Bisnaire on The Tech Business Podcast with Paul Essery

In a recent episode of "The Tech Business Podcast" hosted by Paul Essery, Marc Bisnaire, the CEO of Cardio-Phoenix, delved into the transformative potential of his groundbreaking device Cardio-HART, and its impact on the healthcare landscape. At the very beginning of the conversation, Marc explained how the story of Cardio-HART began and how he realized...
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Prevention in Cardiology: The Power of Community Support with Cardio-HART

Prevention in Cardiology: The Power of Community Support with Cardio-HART

Preventive care is crucial in the field of cardiology. Recognizing the importance of early detection and proactive care, Cardio Phoenix has developed Cardio-HART—a groundbreaking solution for the early detection of cardiovascular diseases. As Cardio Phoenix applies for NIHR i4i funding to further its research, it becomes increasingly crucial to emphasize the significance of community support...
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Summing up the year 2022 with the CHART team

Summing up the year 2022 with the CHART team

The end of the year is always a good time to summarize what we have achieved for this period and what our plans are for the future. Overall, 2022 was a very exciting and eventful year for Cardio-HART. New contacts, new business collaborations, and many trips proved to us that Cardio-HART was invented at the...
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HETT Show 2022 – Interview with Marc

HETT Show 2022 – Interview with Marc

The HETT show 2022 has been successfully finished for Cardio-Phoenix Company. We spoke with Marc, CEO and Founder of Cardio-Phoenix, about the experience and expectations after the show.   Q: Tell us a bit about how your organization currently supports the health and care sector. Marc: The NHS’s long-term plan of 2019 identified early detection of heart disease as...
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Cardio-Phoenix secures Angel funding for early heart disease-predicting AI

Cardio-Phoenix secures Angel funding for early heart disease-predicting AI

  London, Lisbon, Toronto, September 2022.   Cardio-Phoenix’s AI assesses novel bio-signals of the heart to predict 14 significant cardiac abnormalities typically diagnosed only by Echocardiography in Secondary Care.   By evaluating the likelihood that those abnormalities are characteristic digital biomarkers of heart disease, the software is able to detect and diagnose a wide range of heart diseases, with a...
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 Telemedicine for the heart post COVID-19 / Sportello Cuore - Italy

Telemedicine for the heart post COVID-19 / Sportello Cuore - Italy

The research develops systems that bring general practitioners and specialists together to identify and monitor those at risk. The great challenge to SARS-CoV-2 virus infection is played out on the ground, through the early identification of new infections and the identification of those at greater risk, such as people with confirmed cardiovascular diseases or risk factors,...
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Technology Aiming to Improve Detection of Heart Disease / Med-Tech News UK

Technology Aiming to Improve Detection of Heart Disease / Med-Tech News UK

by Ian Bolland Med-Tech Innovation News Ian Bolland caught up with Marc Bisnaire, CEO of Cardio Phoenix to talk about its technology designed to improve the detection of heart disease during and after COVID-19.   Where did the idea for Cardio-HART come from? We are a small team that put a lot of effort to create an innovative...
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The Forgotten Patients: COVID-19 and the impact on people living with cardiovascular disease.

The Forgotten Patients: COVID-19 and the impact on people living with cardiovascular disease.

COVID-19 has shone a light on the weaknesses within our healthcare systems, and we fear that the impact on vulnerable populations will be long-lasting. The COVID-19 pandemic has hit us off guard. The need to fight the virus has been urgent and all-encompassing and, as a result, medical focus has been largely centered on the virus,...
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What is an Emergency Use Authorization?

What is an Emergency Use Authorization?

Emergency Use Authorization The EUA is supported by the Secretary of Health and Human Service’s declaration that circumstances exist to justify the emergency use of medical devices during the COVID-19 pandemic. It needs to be understood that the use of designated devices available under the EUA program has not undergone the same type of review as an...
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A Lifeline for Cardiology Patients

A Lifeline for Cardiology Patients

As countries around the globe enforce social distancing and self-isolation to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth is emerging as a critical tool to connect physicians and other healthcare professionals with patients dealing with chronic cardiovascular conditions. “Before this pandemic, telehealth or telemedicine was sort of an ‘top of the cake’ kind of a situation for the...
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After COVID-19—Thinking Differently About Running the Health Care Systems

After COVID-19—Thinking Differently About Running the Health Care Systems

Wars and other national crises force society to act differently for a while. But in doing so, they highlight organizational actions and innovations that should not end with the crisis and should be allowed to play a greater role in the future. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has similar features, and it should spur...
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Will the COVID-19 pandemic lead to a 2nd wave of HEART problems?

Will the COVID-19 pandemic lead to a 2nd wave of HEART problems?

As health-care professionals, we are focused on preparing for and implementing effective management strategies for the onslaught of COVID-19 patients. This pandemic represents an unprecedented operational challenge for our health-care systems and leadership. As cardiovascular specialists, we are also concerned for an unexpected but significant potential effect of this pandemic — a future second wave...
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Telemedicine Booms amid COVID-19 Crisis; Virtual Care is Here to Stay.

Telemedicine Booms amid COVID-19 Crisis; Virtual Care is Here to Stay.

The coronavirus pandemic that has erupted worldwide has pushed telehealth to the forefront. It's unlikely remote medicine will go away, even after the current crisis abates. Demand for telehealth systems has boomed in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, setting the stage for telemedicine to finally achieve at least some of its long-promised benefits. And analysts...
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What can a ECG say about your health...

What can a ECG say about your health...

An electrocardiogram (also referred to as an ECG or EKG) is a test that analyzes the electrical activity of your heart. The test, which takes approximately ten minutes to perform, involves a technician attaching twelve leads to your chest and then getting a 12-line printout that reflects your heart’s activity during a 10-second window. So, what...
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Telemedicine - A life saving tool

Telemedicine - A life saving tool

More than ever, healthcare professionals are seeing how data can make a difference between life and death. Barcelona Hospital Clínic’s CIO David Vidal reproduced the words of an infectious diseases specialist working in his centre: “We are saving people’s lives thanks to data”. Due to the high number of patients needing hospitalisation, hotels and sports pavilions...
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Cardiovascular Disease is NOT Just a Man's Disease

Cardiovascular Disease is NOT Just a Man's Disease

Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of women over age 25 in the United States, regardless of race or ethnicity. The death rate from cardiovascular diseases has decreased among men but continues to increase in women. Unfortunately, only 1 in 3 women identify the cardiovascular disease as the greatest health problem facing women today. Most...
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AI Shows Promise as a Physician Assistant

AI Shows Promise as a Physician Assistant

Human error is inevitable in medicine. Case in point: A study revealed that more than 20% of patients with serious conditions are initially misdiagnosed by their primary-care doctors. This can result in weeks, or years, of misguided treatment and disease advancement. It’s a mistake that can prove not just costly but occasionally fatal. Last year, 1 in...
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The Importance of the Early Detection of Cardiovascular Disease

The Importance of the Early Detection of Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) still remains the main cause of morbidity and mortality and consequently, early diagnosis is of paramount importance. Health care expenditures are overwhelming where costs are skyrocketing, predominantly because of the escalating costs of care of advanced disease.  Congestive heart failure afflicts more than 5 million people and consumes more than $30 billion in...
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The Positive Side of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Positive Side of the COVID-19 Pandemic

It seems like anyone can talk about the COVID-19 pandemic. We have to agree it’s worth talking about (and hard not to discuss). Still, most conversations tend to revolve only around fear of getting sick, sheltering in place, overcrowded hospitals, closings of all sorts, and lack of toilet paper. We´d like to propose a new...
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Coronavirus Offers Opportunity for Physicians to try Cardiac-Telemedicine

Coronavirus Offers Opportunity for Physicians to try Cardiac-Telemedicine

As the highly contagious novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, continues to explode with new infections in new locations every day, it is crucial for those who are at risk, elderly, chronically ill, to continue to receive care when needed with their primary care practitioner as other diseases are not slowing down, they remain and patients must receive...
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COVID-19 is especially threatening for people with heart disease

COVID-19 is especially threatening for people with heart disease

  If you or someone you love has had a stroke or is living with a heart condition, the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) may be especially worrying.   What do we know about the virus? This virus is still very new. There are a lot of things we don’t know — such as how it might impact our...
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CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) Business Update

CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) Business Update

Dear customers and team: In times of COVID-19, Cardio Phoenix has decided to go for virtual experience! At Cardio Phoenix Inc. we are proactively monitoring and responding to the current COVID-19 global epidemic. At Cardio Phoenix Inc. we consider the health of our employees and the care of our customers as a priority. Given this, we have decided...
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AI for the heart

AI for the heart

Intelligent Health is a global summit focused purely on AI in Healthcare which brings together 2000 clinicians, technologists and executives creating a future where AI will revolutionize health. Therefore, on September 2019, Cardio Phoenix had the opportunity to present their heart diagnostic device “CHART” at the Startup Showcase where CEO Marc Bisnaire share with VC´s...
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