Primary Care
“CHART provides clinical data about a patient’s cardiac status
that is not only of diagnostic interest,
but also guides the practitioner in deciding whether to
refer the patient to the cardiologist,
provides the cardiologist with relevant information
to guide clinical decisions about testing and treatment.”
that is not only of diagnostic interest,
but also guides the practitioner in deciding whether to
refer the patient to the cardiologist,
to guide clinical decisions about testing and treatment.”
Breakthrough Technology detect

Heart Failure (HF): HFpEF, HFmdEF, and HFdEF.
Heart Valve Diseases: AS, MS, AR, MR, TR…
Early onset of CVD
...and do it in Primary Care
“CHART is a true breakthrough technology that will radically transform how
heart disease will be diagnosed and managed, especially in Primary care!”.
Dr. Alberto M, GP, and Dr. Consuelo C, GP,
Verona, Italy

Biosignal Technology
CHART makes use of novel bio-signals, to complement and augment
ECG’s electrical signals, with acoustic and physiological
bio-signals, this gives CHART it’s unique ability to understand
the morphological and functional aspects of the heart.
CHART is a combination of the best of ECG, ECHO and Auscultation
enhanced with AI-powered analysis.

“Such a device has long been needed
and hoped for by the medical
community, in particular
by Family Physicians.”
and hoped for by the medical
community, in particular
by Family Physicians.”
Dr. Emese Uri
Dir. of Ambulance (Primary Care)

the Physicians assistant
"I can not only see the ECG... but also see information
resembling Echocardiography that will also tell me
if the patient... has HF.
As a Primary care doctor, that is important as I can
start already a treatment for that or when I see
something that requires a 2nd level of care, then I
can refer straight to the cardiologist."
resembling Echocardiography that will also tell me
if the patient... has HF.
As a Primary care doctor, that is important as I can
start already a treatment for that or when I see
something that requires a 2nd level of care, then I
can refer straight to the cardiologist."
Dr. Hans E.
General Practitioner

Better Patient
CHART enables a collaborative triage between
Family Physicians and Cardiologist.
This collaboration is based on a decision support
system that helps the cardiologist determine if they
“need to see this patient”, and on what priority,
whether urgent, intermediate, or routine, or
“not need to see the patient”, and either
set a “control” at 3, 6, or 9 months, or
finding the patient in good heart health.
for Healthcare
Reduces FP’s leading directly to cost efficiencies, lower morbidity
and shorter wait times.

FN means sick patients are sent home, inevitably
to return but with higher morbidity,
possibly by ambulance.
Either way, more advanced care will be required,
care that has far greater downstream costs
that impact the healthcare system.
to return but with higher morbidity,
possibly by ambulance.
Either way, more advanced care will be required,
care that has far greater downstream costs
that impact the healthcare system.

“Each % reduction in the rate of FN and/or FP
will result in much less suffering and will help
realize significant system-wide cost-savings!”
will result in much less suffering and will help
realize significant system-wide cost-savings!”
Dr. Tatjana Stankovic
Chief of Cardiology

from a Cardiologist
“A nurse using CHART can screen patients arriving at
my Echo clinic and tell me who is a
True Negative or healthy patient,
one who does not need an Echo examination.
It’s the best thing since sliced bread for Cardiology”
my Echo clinic and tell me who is a
True Negative or healthy patient,
one who does not need an Echo examination.
It’s the best thing since sliced bread for Cardiology”
Dr. Tang,
Essex UK
Essex UK

Wait Times
Cardiologists must deal with a large number of
healthy patients (TP) in their waiting room,
bloating waiting lists,
incurring unnecessary costly testing.
With a strong medical justification,
CHART gives the Cardiologists a better patient,
reducing waiting times.

Clinically Proven
Clinically proven to increase
diagnostic effectiveness, ~250%.
Patients come to you expecting you
to make an accurate diagnosis of their heart condition.
to make an accurate diagnosis of their heart condition.
Early detection of CVD, including Heart Failure and Heart Valve Diseases,
is the difference between the quality of life and morbidity.
is the difference between the quality of life and morbidity.
You are the front line for heart disease.
We can help!
Take the first step and incorporate CHART into your clinic.
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